FLA Board meets in Washington, approves five-year strategic plan
From October 24 to 26, 2022, Fair Labor Association (FLA) board members and more than 80 representatives of participating companies, universities, and civil society gathered in Washington, DC for FLA’s first in-person board meeting since 2020.
During the three-day meeting, the FLA board of directors approved the organization’s 2023–2028 strategic plan, as well as the 2023 annual budget. The new strategic plan is designed to champion rigorous and transparent labor standards and promote innovative business practices that improve labor rights for workers in global supply chains; develop solutions to address the most challenging labor rights issues; provide guidance, education, and tools that foster business system improvements that protect workers; and demonstrate and communicate the impact of FLA, driving progress for workers through thought leadership and a broad membership.
“FLA is working toward a future where responsible business means that fair working conditions are the standard, not the exception,” said FLA President and Chief Executive Officer Sharon Waxman. “Our vision and mission are brought to life by the incredible efforts of our team and partners—and men and women working in factories and fields around the world are the better for it.”
The FLA board also welcomed Roots, a premium outdoor-lifestyle brand based in Canada, as the newest FLA participating company; approved the inclusion of Nestlé coffee in the FLA Agriculture Program; voted to amend FLA’s Agriculture Benchmark CL.3 to align with International Labour Organization standards on child labor and light work; and approved Ethical Trade Services Africa Ltd. (ETSA Ltd.) to conduct Social Compliance Initiative assessments for FLA in Ethiopia and Kenya.
The following members were appointed to FLA Board Committees:
- Ravi Anupindi, University of Michigan, to the Agriculture Committee (University Caucus);
- Karen Daubert, Washington University in St. Louis, to the Agriculture and Manufacturing Committees (University Caucus);
- Elizabeth Kennedy, University of California, Los Angeles, to the Executive Committee (University Caucus);
- Irit Tamir, Oxfam, to the Agriculture Committee (Civil society organization Caucus);
- Karen Tramontano, Global Fairness Initiative, to the Agriculture Committee (Civil society organization Caucus); and
- Yann Wyss, Nestlé, to the Agriculture Committee (Business Caucus).
FLA’s next board meeting is scheduled for March 20 to 22, 2023, in Washington, DC.

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