University of Connecticut

Storrs, CT

UConn’s licensing program is made up of companies who have committed to and continue to build a strong record in Corporate Social Responsibility. The fundamental philosophy of UConn’s licensing program structure is to directly connect CSR commitment and performance with financial investment in the program. The resulting benefit to being a leader in this space will be more favorable royalty rates reviewed on an annual basis. 

Our hope is that partners view this as an opportunity to engage with UConn on pathways to improve, even for those companies shown to be performing at the highest commitment level. We view CSR as a continuing journey and understand that no program or factory is perfect. We believe that providing partners this opportunity to show improvement annually will be beneficial for them and for UConn and create a positive impact for the many workers across the supply chain.  

UConn’s Director of Brand Partnerships and Trademark Management Kyle Muncy has served in various committee and working group roles with FLA and continues to take a leadership role among the University Caucus. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Worker Rights Consortium.   

Joined FLA: 2008

Membership in the Fair Labor Association is a part of UConn’s core commitment to Business and Human Rights. Business and human rights is part of the regular cost of contracting with UConn. We are nationally recognized for our policy efforts, our leadership in supply chain monitoring organizations, and our research and teaching on these issues. We are proud to work with the FLA in these areas.

Kyle Muncy, Director of Brand Partnerships