JoeAnne Dominicana, Dominican Republic

On April 3, 2013, FLA commissioned Comisión para la Verificación de Códigos de Conducta (COVERCO) to investigate allegations by the labor union federation “Federación Dominicana de Trabajadores de Zonas Francas, Industrias Diversas y de Servicios” (FEDOTRAZONAS) that workers’ freedom of association had been violated at the factory JoeAnne Dominicana in the Dominican Republic. COVERCO found that at least six workers involved in union meetings had been dismissed, and companies sourcing from JoeAnne Dominicana – FLA affiliate Franklin Sports and member Fruit of the Loom – and Dick’s Sporting Goods (an adidas Group licensee) have developed an action plan with factory management, which includes the reinstatement of dismissed workers and compensation for lost wages.