Triangle Apparels, Unit VI, India

On July 25, 2017, the FLA accepted for review a Third Party Complaint filed by the Garment Labour Union in Karnataka, India with regard to the factory Triangle Apparels, Unit VI, in Karnataka, India.  FLA-affiliated companies adidas Group and PUMA were sourcing from the factory at the time of the complaint.

The allegations in the complaint included:

  1. lengthy procedures to pay workers the proper settlement (e.g., Provident Fund, bonus, leave balance) when they leave the factory;
  2. pressure on workers to meet high production targets that results in uncompensated work and restricts them from taking breaks to drink water and use the restroom;
  3. abusive language and mistreatment of workers by managers when production targets are not met;
  4. failure on the part of management to make accommodations for female workers who requested changes from strenuous jobs;
  5. poor care of children at the factory’s crèche;
  6. lack of consultation with workers regarding an anticipated change in working hours that would extend the workday and make it more difficult for workers to access transportation in order to reach their homes;
  7. threats by management against workers who express an interest in joining the union; and
  8. lack of management openness to engage in discussions with the union over workplace issues. 

The summary report explains the corrective action plans developed by factory management with support from adidas and PUMA, and provides a comparison of findings from this complaint investigation with the results of an FLA assessment at the same facility in November of 2016.Â